Calculus Of One Real Variable – By Pheng Kim Ving
Chapter 7: The Exponential And Logarithmic Functions – Section 7.6: The Hyperbolic Functions


The Hyperbolic Functions



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1. Definitions


The hyperbolic functions are defined in terms of the natural exponential function ex. For example, the hyperbolic sine
function is defined as (exex)/2 and denoted sinh, pronounced “ shin ”, so that sinh x = (exex)/2.


Definition 1.1




We'll see later on the reasons why these functions are named the way they are. There are 6 hyperbolic functions, just as
there are 6 trigonometric functions. The
sinh and cosh functions are the primary ones; the remaining 4 are defined in
terms of them.


Example 1.1


Simplify the expression tanh ln x.





Note that we simplify the given hyperbolic expression by transforming it into an algebraic expression.


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2. Properties





These properties can be proved easily using the definitions of sinh and cosh. For example, we prove property [2.5] as



Reasons For The Naming


Consider the trigonometric or circular functions. The equation of the unit circle in the uv-coordinate system is u2 + v2 = 1.
For any real number
x, we have cos2 x + sin2 x = 1; thus the point (cos x, sin x) lies on the circle u2 + v2 = 1. Now
consider the hyperbolic functions. For any real number
x, we have cosh2 xsinh2 x = 1; thus the point (cosh x, sinh x)
lies on the curve
u2v2 = 1, which is a hyperbola. This explains the name hyperbolic  functions.


Clearly the above properties of sinh and cosh are similar to those of the trigonometric functions sin and cos. For example,
the properties
sinh 0 = 0, cosh 0 = 1, and cosh2 xsinh2 x = 1 are similar to the properties sin 0 = 0, cos 0 = 1, and
cos2 x + sin2 x = 1 respectively. This similarity has led to the naming of them as hyperbolic sine  and hyperbolic cosine


The remaining 4 hyperbolic functions are defined in terms of sinh and cosh, hence they're also hyperbolic  functions; and
they're defined in terms of
sinh and cosh in the same fashion that the 4 trigonometric functions tan, cot, sec, and csc
are defined in terms of
sin and cos; this explains their names.


Example 2.1


Derive from the addition identities for sinh(x + y) and cosh(x + y) the identity:



Also see Problem & Solution 2.





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3. Differentiation





Formula [3.1] is proved as follows:



The three remaining formulas can be established analogously.


Remark that these differentiation formulas for the hyperbolic functions parallel those for the trigonometric functions,
except for 2 differences in sign: of (
d/dx) cosh x and of (d/dx) sech x.


Example 3.1


Differentiate y = sinh(x2 + 1).



y' = cosh(x2 + 1)(2x) = 2x cosh(x2 + 1).



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4. Graphs




The graph of y = sech x is sketched in Fig. 4.5. For any x, the point of the graph of y = sech x at x can be obtained by
taking the reciprocal of the height of the graph of
y = cosh x at x. The line y = 0 (the x-axis) is the horizontal asymptote
of the graph of
y = sech x.



Note that we can also use the 1st and 2nd derivatives of the hyperbolic functions to examine the increase/decrease and
concavity of their graphs.


Fig. 4.1


Graph of y = sinh x.


Fig. 4.2


Graph of y = cosh x.


Fig. 4.3


Graph of y = tanh x.


Fig. 4.4


Graph of y = coth x.


Fig. 4.5


Graph of y = sech x.


Fig. 4.6


Graph of y = csch x.


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Problems & Solutions


1. Simplify the following expressions.


a.  sinh ln x.






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2. In Example 2.1 we derived from the addition identities for sinh(x + y) and cosh (x + y) the identity for tanh(x + y).
    Now derive from the same 2 identities the identity:







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3. Find (d/dt) coth e2tx.




(d/dt) coth e2tx = (– csch2 e2tx)e2tx(2x) = – 2xe2txcsch2 e2tx.


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4. Sketch the graph of y = csch (x + 2).




The graph of y = csch (x + 2) can be obtained by sliding that of y = csch x to the left by 2 units.



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5. Consider the differential equation y''k2y = 0, where k is a constant.
a. Prove that the function
fA,B(x) = Aekx + Bekx, where A and B are constants, is a solution of the differential equation.
b. Prove that the function
gC,D(x) = C cosh kx + D sinh kx, where C and D are constants, is also a solution of the
    differential equation.
c. Express
fA,B in terms of g.
d. Express
gC,D in terms of f.






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